Meet Heather Lane Physical Therapy
Denver, Colorado

Doctor of Physical Therapy Medicare-approved offering compassionate 60-minute one-on-one treatment sessions. Whether it’s an achy back or post-knee replacement, we address a variety of orthopedic conditions. Dr. Donovan performs a full examination that meets your active goals without medications or surgery. We find faster results with fewer visits by using research-based practice and hands-on techniques to correct movement. No Physicians’ referral is needed to begin your injury recovery.

Are you ready to move away from pain?

Relieve your pain through compassionate one-on-one treatment from a Doctor of Physical Therapy.


Your Journey at Heather Lane Physical Therapy

Schedule an Appointment

Call or book an appointment online. Commit to working on a better version of yourself. A physicians’ referral is not necessary to get started!

Create a Plan

Your movement evaluation determines how the interaction of muscles, joints, and nerves interact to create dysfunction. We take the time to understand your unique condition and expectations. Based on the exam, you will receive an expected prognosis for your care.

Achieve Your Goals

Your follow-up appointments are always one-on-one with a Doctor in Physical Therapy. We will push you to move differently. Expect homework!

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic

In light of the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, keeping clients safe is my absolute top priority. The mitigation plan at Heather Lane Physical Therapy is based on the latest CDC guidelines. This includes disinfecting tables and equipment between clients, and wearing a protective mask during treatment sessions. All treatments are one-on-one with Dr. Donovan, and there are never more than two people in the office at any one time. These measures help to limit our exposure to disease while still providing the highest level of care possible To continue reading about how Heather Lane PT is combating the spread of infection, click here.

Your road to recovery begins in the east Cherry Creek neighborhood of Denver. Conveniently located within the Forum building.

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Don’t let pain keep you from life.

Fax Number: 720-815-3349

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